
My blog has been pretty quiet because I haven't really had much to report. I went to Crossfit last week, but I mostly rowed a lot and did a ton of substitutions to go easy on my knees. This week, I'm trying to get back into it. Today I did the following WOD as prescribed and completed 237 total reps:

Tabata 16
(:20 on :10 off)

Box jumps (24/20)
Sit ups
Wall balls

As for running, I've got a gait analysis scheduled for Saturday so I can make sure that I'm running correctly. I've also been reading a lot and I think I need to stop being focused on my time and just enjoy my runs. With that in mind, I went on a 6 mile run yesterday, switched up my intervals to 3:1, and slowed down significantly. It went pretty well, but my knee still started hurting around mile 4. I definitely need to get over this hump and get back into actually having enjoyable runs.

Providence Half Marathon Recap

Well, that... went. I got a cold Wednesday night and by Thursday night I had a fever. My fever broke on Friday, but my throat was super scratchy and my voice was pretty much gone (still is). On the upside, my plantar fasciitis seemed to be going away. Day of, I got up early, ate, stretched, rolled out, so I thought I was ready. Apparently not the case.

I haven't had knee issues in a while, but I started dealing with runner's knee during mile 2. I pushed through, trying to be grateful that I wasn't really coughing or sniffling. I managed to do the first 7 miles at mostly under 10 minutes per mile. I slowed down a bit for the next four, doing about 10:40/mile. I picked it up and ran the last 2.1 miles straight. The rest of the race, I actually managed to stick with my run:walk intervals. Despite being passed by the 2:15 pacer very early on in the race, I managed to finish at 2:15:18, which is 7 minutes faster than my training run. I wasn't able to talk at all when I finished because my voice was gone and I'm not 100% sure that I don't have bronchitis. One month to recover and figure out what went wrong and do better next time!

Y'all, SoulCycle Is Really Weird And Not Worth It

I got to attend a SoulCycle class for free today through work. I've never been to a spin class before and I've mostly just heard the ridiculous amount of hype that SoulCycle has gotten. So basically, I was intrigued. After seeing the prices, I was extra intrigued by what a $35 spin class would be like. What would make it worth the cost? What makes it so special?

When we got there, the lockers and bathroom/shower area was pretty nice. The downside is that there were really smelly candles at the checkin desk that almost made me nauseous. Great start! And the whole area was visible from the outside, which was a bit weird, since there weren't a ton of changing rooms. I put my stuff in a locker, got my cycling shoes, and awkwardly walked over to the bike room.

I don't know if this is a general thing with spin classes, but the room was dark and there were a few candles. There were a few people walking around helping us get set up and locked into our bikes. I got locked into my bike about 10 minutes prior to class starting and so I just sat there biking while I was waiting for everyone. All good so far, I guess! Then class started.

Maybe this is a spin thing, but the music sounded like I was in the world's worst dance club. Really, that's what it was. Sure, we were on bikes. But we were supposedly biking to the beat and bopping up and down as if we were dancing. Definitely not my favorite part. She also had us do crunches, which just made me sorta sad. Anyone who thinks those half-assed bike crunches are an ab workout should do... literally any other ab workout. The weighted arm movements were slightly challenging... well the weird pulsing ones at least. But bicep curls with 2lb weights? Give me a break... that was worthless. The instructor was also a little too motivational for me. The other people in the class seemed to like it, but someone saying "you've got one more step!" and "you can always push yourself further!" just makes me roll my eyes. Also, she kept talking about fear... really? Do people really fear a spin class? At that point, I was glad it was dark because I was definitely making a face.

Overall, I expected more of a challenge. I've heard of people throwing up in these classes, but I didn't experience anything vomit worthy unless you have maybe never exercised a day in your life. If that's the case, good for you for working out! But also, don't go as crazy on your first day, slow down, and turn the resistance down. Either way, I would say SoulCycle is not worth it. I pay the equivalent of $11/class at my Crossfit gym, go almost every day, and get actual personal attention on my form. There is no personal attention in these classes and it's so dark that the instructor can barely see it. If you are into spin, there are quite a few other gyms that do unlimited monthly passes for $99/month. That is less than the cost of THREE SoulCycle classes! And guess what? You are getting the same damn thing. I'm not knocking anyone who enjoys spin... but SoulCycle is definitely a waste of money.

This Week In Workouts

Despite not running and overall feeling pretty off my game, this has been a good week for Crossfit PRs. On Tuesday, I did a 65# power snatch, which was a 5# PR for me. On Wendesday, I did a 15 minute AMRAP of 5 53# suitcase deadlifts (one 53# KB in each hand), 13 burpees, and 9 goblet squats with a tiny KB. I managed to get *almost* 8 rounds... two reps short! I felt pretty good during that and was able to keep at a really consistent pace that felt really good. Today was my biggest PR day and favorite weightlifting day... DEADLIFT DAY! My previous one rep max (1RM) was 215# and today I did 1x3 at 215# and then a 1RM at 225#! I've been stuck at 215 for quite a long time... I first hit it about 5 years ago? So it's really gratifying to see my work pay off and finally see a nice big increase in weight.

5K Almost PR + Taking A Break

I ran in the Boston Athletic Association 5K this Saturday and ended up with a pretty good finish: 26:48. I finished in the top third overall and top fifth of women. It was a super full race (8K people) and I don't think people got in the right corrals, so it was a slow start. Since my second mile was faster than my first, I think I could've really PR'd this race if it hadn't been a battle at the start.

I've actually been dealing with plantar fasciitis lately and it has not gone away. I'm going to try to take the next two weeks off running and any CF activity that is hard on my feet (ahem... box jumps and double unders). Gotta stretch, ice, and get better soon. I know that I can do the distance, so if I have to take time off now and in between races, that's fine with me.


I've been out for a few days because I have been at RailsCamp, tucked away in the Catskills with little internet. Doesn't mean I didn't exercise! I ran up to the reservoir twice with two different groups of people. 3.6 miles roundtrip and about 200' of hills which I was not used to. But the end view was awesome!

View of the reservoir

View of the reservoir

I also got to do 4 miles of hiking each day, ended up getting sort lost twice, but it all ended well. Once it ended with waterfalls!

We were definitely not really supposed to be here... but the view was awesome!

We were definitely not really supposed to be here... but the view was awesome!

In the crossfit world...

Tuesday I did deadlifts and did 4x3@200#. That's definitely the most I've done at that weight and it felt pretty easy. And thanks to losing 20lbs, it's now 1.5x my body weight! We also did rowing, sandbag pulls, and ring rows. I thought the sandbag pulls would take more out of me since I picked a pretty heavy one, but it was the ring rows that really got to me.

Today (Wednesday), we just did one 15 minute WOD. It was a beast:

100 Mountain climbers
30 Sit ups
30 Kettlebell swings (1.5/1)
30 Wall ball (20/14)
100 Double unders
**Every 2:00 do 2 power cleans (185/135) starting at 0:00

I whipped through everything until I got to the double unders... then it all went to hell. I spent probably about 6 minutes or more on the double unders alone. But I did finish them all! I did single-single-double... over and over again until I got to 100. I should also note that I only did 65# on the power clean. My max is 100#, but I really wanted to keep my heart rate up and not get sloppy with a super heavy weight for me. Then around 3pm today, I did a track workout which was 7x800m w/ 1:00 rest. Kept up about an 8:30 pace, which was about what I was shooting for. Basically, it's a good day.

Badger, or Lightening the Load When Tired

This is the workout that my gym posted today:

Complete three rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters

Since I have to spend about 7 hours on buses today, I decided that, despite my long run yesterday, I should really go to the gym. Wasn't sure if I was going to run or row, so I played it by ear. Thanks to copious amounts of stretching yesterday, I actually woke up feeling ok. And after the 400m warmup run, I felt ready to go. However, I knew that it would not be smart for me to push myself on weights today. I went down to just 35lbs for the squat cleans and I have zero regrets. My quads were still pretty tired and it took me 33 minutes to finish, but I was able to complete it and the runs were no problem. I think the weirdest thing was that my arms were sore? Ended up doing 32 pullups and then the rest ring rows just so I could keep going.

Lesson: rest. It's important.

14 Miles: Done

This was my last long training run. I spent 20 minutes taping up my feet and my knees and I think it paid off. At no point was I limping (though I was pretty slow for a few miles). I set a new PR for distance and pace for distances over 10 miles. I finished 13.1 in 2:22:17 and finished the whole 14.15 in 2:34:37 at a pace of 10:56 min/mile. Considering how sore I was when I started, I'm feeling pretty confident that I can hit my goal of 2:10 come race day... maybe even sub 2! Considering I did my full marathon in 5:55 6.5 years ago, I'm feeling pretty damn amazing about these times.

Split Jerks, Handstand Push-ups, and Box Jumps

Crossfit has you do some weird things sometimes. The weirdest of which is the handstand push-up. While I'm not quite sure of the utility of the HSPU, I still work on them. Right now, I'm just doing negatives and working on building up the strength. I've read quite a few articles on the dangers of the kipping HSPU, so I have decided against doing those. However, it seems worth it to try to get the strict strength portion, so I'm still working on that. Speaking of strength...

Yesterday, I PR'd my split jerk by 10lbs, coming up to an even 100lbs. I felt like I could've gone a bit higher, but I'm still happy that I kept good form. Plus, after that, we had "Death by Box Jumps". That... surprised me. It was 15 minutes, minute 1 with 1 box jump, minute 2 with 2 and so on on a 24" box. At minute 10, I did 10 in under 20 seconds no problem, but apparently minute 11 got in my head and I tripped up a bit. I was able to pull it together for rounds 14 and 15, but my last round took 45 seconds, which was a bit longer than I had hoped. Since I was able to finish all rounds, I guess I can't be too hard on myself.

Let's Talk About Food

I've been exercising a lot for years. And I thought that, overall, I was a pretty healthy eater. Yet I never lost weight. I've never been super overweight, so I didn't worry too much about it. However, it did bug me. I was spending 9+ hours per week exercising (even more if you include my speed walks to and from work), yet I was still sorta chubby and did not feel very confident in myself. Last June, one of my friends turned me onto the Fit Girls Guide. It can be a bit corny, but I found the online community to be pretty inspiring. I started exercising (stressercising at the time) a bit more, but I still didn't really lose any weight. In October, I decided to use MyFitnessPal to start tracking my food and I found that I was consuming a lot more calories than I thought. I still felt like the amount of calories that FGG generally has you eat per day was still too small for me, but I started to cut the sizes of my meals and eat more snacks. I cut down from 2600 calories per day to 1800 and it made a huge difference. Since November, I've lost 20 lbs and hit my original goal weight.

Point one: calories do matter and tracking what you eat really helps you think about what you are putting in your body.

However, it's not just calories. What you put in matters too. I do a lot of weight training, so my goal macro percentages are 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbohydrates. When I started tracking this more closely, I noticed that I actually was very high in my carb intake and pretty low on protein. So I switched a few things around. I decided to try the Wellpath protein blend and I've really loved that. I get the vanilla blend with the green addition and my favorite smoothie so far has been to 12 oz water, a scoop of protein, one kiwi, and stuffing the rest of my vitamix full of baby spinach. Delicious, high in protein, and low in calories. A nice, nutrient dense start to my day. I also have a steady selection of protein bars in my cabinet at work so I am never without an instant meal in case I forget. My favorites are Epic Bar Chicken Sesame & BBQ and Oatmega Chocolate Peanut Crisp. Both bars are high in protein and low in sugar. I also got ProBar Chocolate Supergreens Base Bar, but I can't really recommend it because each bar has 16g of sugar. Speaking of sugar: one of the things I've noticed in the FGG community is eating things that are "healthy" like the ProBars, but they are actually full of sugar and have way more fat than you actually should eat. Fat is good, but it should be in moderation. Given the food available to us, it's much easier to eat a really fat heavy diet than you would think. When looking at nutrition/protein bars, look critically at the nutrition facts and make sure it has less than 10g of sugar and is well balanced. The Oatmega bar is a good example: 7g of fat, 21g of carbs, 14g protein. Assuming you are eating these as part of a balanced diet, that is a good protein boost in your day.

Point two: determine how much fat/carb/protein is good for you and find foods that fit your goal. Beware of "healthy" foods with excess sugar.

Another key thing not to forget is that you also should not be starving yourself. If you are exercising a lot, you need to be nourishing your body! It can't run effectively on empty. You will feel exhausted if you aren't getting enough calories in your day, especially for breakfast and lunch. Speaking of feeling exhausted and running on empty, sleep is also vitally important to weight loss and all around healthy living. If you aren't sleeping, you won't be able to kick ass at the gym and your body will suffer.

Point three: get sleep and feed yo self.

Alright, that's all I've got for now. Take care of yourself!


I swear I worked out yesterday, but it was so unmemorable that I forgot to even write about it just a little. Today on the other hand... I felt like a total boss. I'm giving a presentation at Boston Product tonight, so I had to shift my day an hour later and go to the 6:30am class instead of my normal 5:30am (yup, I'm a morning person). This meant I was able to see how many rounds everyone in the 5:30am class got and push myself to DESTROY EVERYONE. I feel like I should make a note here: Crossfit really works for me because I am pretty competitive. Mostly with myself, but sometimes I also just really want to try to be the best. This is why running also works... am I the fastest? No. But can I constantly compete with myself and improve my times? Yes! Plus, races are awesome. Anyway, here was our WOD from this morning:

1-2-3-4-5-6… for 15 min
Box jumps (24/20)
Wall balls (20/14)
KBS (24kg/16kg)

I was wearing my sweet new Physiclo pants and my quads were burning from the lunges that I did yesterday, but I managed to get out 12 + 8 (which would be up to 12 of each + 8 box jumps), as prescribed (RX!). Beat the other highest person by 5 reps! I was super winded afterward and took a minute to stop wheezing, but all was well in the end.

Since I was having a long workday and also missing my track workout, I decided to head over to the MIT outdoor track at 2pm and just do the workout myself. I ended up doing a 9:51 average pace (including the walking rests), which ended up being my fastest pace for distances between 4-6 miles! And that was wearing my favorite new exercise pants. If you live in the Boston area, I highly recommend checking out the Somerville Road Runners Tuesday Night Track. It's really well run and the workouts have helped me increase my 5K time by minutes.

End note: just in case you were wondering, I get paid by absolutely none of the companies or organizations that I linked. I just love them.

11 Mile Run + OHS PR

Today has been pretty interesting. We've got pretty crappy weather all weekend, so I decided to do my long run today. And due to impending rain, I decided to just go this morning. Of course, first, I had some overhead squats to do. Might sound like a weird thing to do, but I've been working really hard on my shoulder positioning lately and didn't want to miss the chance for a retest. I just looked through all my old PRs and I had never gotten over 50# at my old gym. Today, I did a one rep max of 85#. Considering I had a shoulder impingement (in both my shoulders) last May, I'm feeling really great about that improvement. Obviously part of the credit is mine, but I feel like a solid amount of credit belongs to the awesome trainers at my gym, Crossfit Somerville. They, more so than any other gym of which I have been a member, have done an great job of helping me improve my form and keep me from further injuring myself (something I excel at).

Speaking of injuring myself... I made it through my 11 mile run! It got a bit rough the last two miles... my plantar fasciitis started acting up a bit, which ended up making my knee hurt a bit. Luckily, I taped it up, so I think it lasted a bit longer than it would have otherwise. I would think this would be bad news, but considering the same thing happened at mile 7.5 two weeks ago, so I'm pretty happy that I felt good up to mile 10 here.

Tons of Rowing, But Two Days Without A Run

I got these awesome pants yesterday, but Boston weather has prevented me from testing them out today. The wind is out in full force and, since I have an 11 miler tomorrow, I decided to skip it. I did get to wear them to crossfit this morning and, while I felt they were awesome for squats, they were not so great for rowing (too much chaffing).

While I missed my run, I did still get a solid workout at the gym. Today we had two 12 minute EMOMs (Every Minute On the Minute). First one was a complex of 1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 power clean. I stayed light and did 65# across. The WOD was an EMOM with 10 calorie row + 5 pushups. Apparently everyone else had issues with the pushups, but the row was what killed me. I was able to consistently finish all the pushups no problem, but the row kept taking longer and longer. I had to skip round 6 because I went over the minute in round 5, then did 7-12 at only 8 calories. I am not a sprinter.

Further review of my Physiclo compression/resistance pants coming soon, but so far so good.

Track Workout And Hanging From A Rope

Truth: I've had a rough few weeks. First, I got a new pair of sneakers that weren't quite right and I ended up getting some plantar fasciitis. Joy. Then my knee started hurting a bit. Which brings me to last night. I was doing cruise intervals at about a 8:30 pace and I ended up having to stop halfway through the last one because my knee felt weird. I'm working from home today, so I ran to crossfit this morning and had another knee twinge. But I had no problem doing wall balls and squats? Ugh. This is pretty frustrating.

My crossfit workout was a 5x5 set of deadlifts (kept it on the lighter end and ended at 165#) and then 5 rounds of: 10 wall balls (14#), 10 rope knees to elbows, and 30sec overhead hold (55#). The rope KTE got me more than I thought. Since the hang is different, I ended up using my biceps more than on regular KTE.

The real bonus of working from home is that today I got to feed my addiction to Kodiak Power Cakes and make myself some pancakes for breakfast. Delicious :D

Normally I'd do a run around 3pm today, but I think I'm going to take it easy. We'll see how tomorrow goes!

Why write this?

Currently, I have a coding/work blog. However, that's only half my life. When I'm not at work, the bulk of my time goes into training. I do Crossfit 4-6 times a week and run 3-4 times a week (usually ~20 miles). Why? I'm not an elite athlete by any stretch, but I get a great sense of accomplishment by pushing myself to constantly improve. In the past 6 months, I've lost 20 lbs of body fat, improved my 5K time by 3 min, and also started doing more workouts RX at my gym. My current goal is to complete a half marathon in 2 hours. Consider I am currently signed up for four over the next 9 months, I should have plenty of chances. Since this is such a big part of my life, I wanted to write about what I do every day... the successes and the failures (fingers crossed for no injuries!).