Seriously, you should have a staging environment

 Having a good staging environment for a production app is vital. Ideally, it is almost identical to production, with the exception being test credentials if using a service like Stripe. When I came in, we had a staging environment. Ok, great! Except that we had no data in it, so we couldn’t actually test anything but the most basic interactions. It was somewhere between very difficult to impossible to test if bugs had been fixed. It was also using the production environment variable, so it was actually indistinguishable from production… but luckily, we were using test Stripe keys!

How we fixed it (in our Rails app):

  1. Copied production.rb to staging.rb and replaced   config.action_mailer.smtp_settings with the settings from Mailtrap. If you aren’t up for Mailtrap (it’s pretty rad, I would definitely recommend it), you can also use just plain old gmail.
  2. 2) If you are using the rails_12factor gem, don’t forget to add it to the staging environment in the Gemfile, like so:
    group :staging, :production do
      gem 'rails_12factor'
    If you don’t do this, you will (like me) end up with your staging server being unable to find any of your assets and getting a ton of 404s in your console. Whomp whomp.
  3. Set a cron job to regularly grab data from production. Here’s an example of how we are doing it:
    heroku maintenance:on --app STAGING_APP_NAME
    heroku pg:backups capture --app PROD_APP_NAME
    heroku pg:backups restore `heroku pg:backups public-url --app PROD_APP_NAME | cat` DB_NAME --app STAGING_APP_NAME --confirm STAGING_APP_NAME
    heroku run rake db:sanitize_passwords --app STAGING_APPNAME
    heroku run rake db:migrate --app STAGING_APP_NAME
    heroku maintenance:off --app STAGING_APP_NAME 
    where DB_NAME is something like HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_JADE. This type of script is only relevant if using heroku and postgres, but you can do something similar if using other providers/databases. This post goes over a different way to do it if you are using mysql. ‘rake db:sanitize_passwords’ would be a task of your own creation to sanitize all the passwords of the users (very important) and also (less important, but still good for privacy) remove identifying data.
  4. Add staging to your database.yml. This should basically be a copy of production, but the database name should be something like #{product}_staging.

I’ve probably missed a few small things, but after that, basically just look for 'production’ in your app and add matching bits for 'staging’.

UPDATE: I did miss something after all. One of my former coworkers brought this to my attention: '3a) Rake task to sanitize/de-identify data, reset passwords?’. In the script I’m actually running, I am updating the credit card information so each customer just has a Stripe test account with a atest card instead of linked to their actual account, but I definitely did forget to reset passwords. Another reason this is useful is that, if you reset all your staging passwords to the same thing, you can login as any user on your test environment to debug any issues they may be having.

SitePrism is awesome and you should use it

I mentioned SitePrism yesterday and so I wanted to go in a little more depth. From my example yesterday, I used an inventory show page and an inventory index page. I had a find_inventory method on inventory index and a displayed? method on inventory show. I actually reconsidered the displayed? method and so I’m going to show how to use SitePrism to validate that the page has loaded in a different way.

Let’s look at the InventoriesIndex SitePrism page:

module Inventories
  class InventoriesIndex < SitePrism::Page
    set_url '/inventories'
    set_url_matcher %r{/inventories}
    section :list, "#inventories-list" do
      elements :inventories, '.inventory'
      def selector_for_inventory(inventory)

      def find_inventory(inventory)
        find selector_for_inventory(inventory)

This makes my tests much each to read. Instead of typing

find "#inventory_#{}_row"

in my test, it instead looks like:



Let’s look at how SitePrism can help our InventoryShow page:

module Inventories
  class InventoriesShow < SitePrism::Page
    set_url '/inventories/{id}'
    set_url_matcher %r{/inventories/\d+}
    section :inventory_info, '#inventory-information' do
      element :name, '.inventory-name'

With just that little bit, we can validate that the page loaded what we want:

expect( include

Overall, so much nicer than having all the css/xpath selectors all over your RSpec tests. Check it out!

FactoryGirl vs. Bare Domain Objects

I’ve been doing a fair amount of research into testing and what are the best and fasted way to test. Recently, someone at work brought up the fact that using factories can drastically slow down your test suite. Especially when, like us, you create other factories within factories (ie. I need an advertiser for a campaign, so when I use, it also does Factory.create(:advertiser)). I tried using Factory.stub (check out this article), but it still would create in the background and I couldn’t change that without wrecking all of our other tests. I decided to start testing with bare domain objects, saving nothing to the database (when possible). Here is a comparison of using FactoryGirl vs. bare domain objects:


context '#validate flight dates with FactoryGirl' do
  setup do
    @campaign =, id: 1234, flight_start:,01,28), flight_end:,01,28))
  should 'be valid if campaign has the same flight_start and flight_end' do
    assert_true @campaign.valid?
  should 'be invalid if flight_end is before flight_start' do
    @campaign.flight_end =,01,27)
    assert_false @campaign.valid?
    assert @campaign.errors.full_messages.include?('Flight start must be earlier than campaign flight end date')


Bare Domain Objects

context '#validate flight dates with Bare Domain Objects' do
  should 'be valid if campaign has the same flight_start and flight_end' do
    campaign = 'UNICORNS!!!', flight_start:,01,28), flight_end:,01,28))
    assert_false campaign.errors.full_messages.include?('Flight start must be earlier than campaign flight end date')
  should 'be invalid if flight_end is before flight_start' do
    campaign = 'UNICORNS!!!', flight_start:,01,28), flight_end:,01,27))
    assert campaign.errors.full_messages.include?('Flight start must be earlier than campaign flight end date')

Not so different, right? Takes less time since I’m not writing to the database and the only major difference is that I don’t assert that the object is valid. Instead I check to see if it is adding my error message. This helps simplify tests, even for more complicated objects.

Test Unit + Shoulda

Do you use Thoughtbot’s shoulda matchers? If not you should. Super handy for testing Rails applications. However, I did ran into an issue that I banged my head on the wall for an hour before noticing the very simple problem.

I was adding some tests to a controller, and, in this case, they were already written but commented out, so I was just editing them and getting them to work. We use the shoulda matchers and the accompanying context blocks to organize our tests, but the tests I was editing were just using basic Test Unit syntax (test “this is what i’m testing” do). I kept getting an ArgumentError (1 for 2). However, the function I was testing only had one argument, so I couldn’t figure out why it was asking for a second. The issue ended up being that the tests were within a context block and context blocks do not work with Test Unit. Once I converted it to should “this is what I’m testing” do, it worked perfectly.

Simple mistake, but easy to miss if you are trying to fix up legacy code.